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+63 962 432 3520
P.F. Espiritu V, Bacoor City 4102, Cavite
Optimum Business SolutionsOptimum Business SolutionsOptimum Business Solutions

Business Taxations Solutions

Business Taxations Solutions

We file and prepare our client’s tax returns, conduct tax reconciliation, and review tax assessments based on Philippine, Australian, and other international tax regulations. 

Statutory tax compliance (Monthly, quarterly, and annual): Financial generating agencies such as the Bureau of Internal Revenue are strict regarding an organization's tax filing. Optimum will ensure that the monthly, quarterly, and annual tax filings are filed promptly to avoid harsh penalties and compromised payables. 
Tax advisory and planning: Just like in general accounting decisions, tax advisory and planning includes the clients being aware of their possible best tax decisions. With the use of this advice, the clients are being offered a proposition on how to maximize their tax, specifically the tax implications of specific transactions in accordance with laws and regulations 
Tax case settlement and management: Any tax-related concerns fall under the expertise of the solution. Suppose an organization has problems relative to the tax filings. In that case, Optimum is ready to handle them through a settlement with the concerned agency, and once cleared, management of the tax case will have to come in to avoid the same situations from happening. 


  • +63 915 063 2447
    +63 962 432 3520
  • APECC Building, Meadowood Ave., P.F. Espiritu V, Bacoor City 4102, Cavite

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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